Saturday, April 3, 2010


Slowly paddling towards Web 2.o's power. (Photo taken by Jeffrey Gordon)


Since this whole Web 2.0 thing is new to me, I wasn’t sure which tool to choose to implement in my work, so I didn’t go that that direction. I decided on a tool that could help my friends and I find something to do on a Saturday night. The tool I came across is gigzee. This site allows you to search your area for live local music. It let’s you know what band is playing, where, what time, and in some cases even let’s you buy tickets. So if you are looking for something to do tonight, go to gigzee and maybe it can help you out.

Review of this site

Overall, I found this site pretty helpful to find local music in my area. There where quite a few options found in Boston, which is 45 minutes away, but the options where limited in Worcester, MA which is just 15 minutes away. Worcester is the third largest city in New England so you would think more information would be on the site. I did compare Worcester to Providence, RI (45 minutes apart from each other, and approximately the same size city) and did find Providence to have some more options. Because of this, I would recommend this site to anyone who is looking to find live local music in a big city, but would hesitate to recommend it to anyone in smaller cities. Of course this is based on the cities in my area. You might find different results in your area.


  1. The only place I have visited in New England is Worcester. What a beautiful area you live in (though definitely too cold for me:) Very interesting tool. Have you looked at ReelClever or

  2. I grew up and live right next to Worcester! Love it here! Close to mountains, lakes, rivers, oceans....take your pick! It does get a bit cold, but it just makes you appreciate the spring more! Thanks for your recommendations, I'll take a look.
